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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Rodrigo Almeida Bastos” ,找到相关结果约28348条。
Decoro, engenho e maravilha nos largos e igrejas de Santa Bárbara e Catas Altas
Bastos, Rodrigo Almeida;
Per Musi , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-75992011000200009
Abstract: the text is the basis of the speech that closed the second week of early music of ufmg. the lecture took place in the shape of commented visits to squares and churches of santa barbara and catas altas (brazil), analyzing issues such as eployment of the site, blueprint, fa?ades and ornamentation, which shaped their beauty, their wit and their wonder.
O urbanismo conveniente luso-brasileiro na forma o de povoa es em Minas Gerais no século XVIII
Rodrigo Almeida Bastos
Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material , 2012,
Abstract: The settlement of villages in the old colonial province of Minas Gerais obeyed certain principles of what was considered decent, convenient and adequate. Such principles were based on rules, doctrines and habits inherent to the Luso-Brazilian architecture of that time. The historical analysis of these aspects leads to a critical review of some consolidated assumptions in historiography, such as the one for which the settlements aforementioned would have appeared in a spontaneous, irregular and disordered fashion. Because they are evident in the remaining settlements and period art treatises and documents, these aspects lead to the consideration of a true art of populating, based on certain values and habits, which we call convenient Luso-Brazilian urbanism.
Vidros Ceramicos Nanocristalinos Transparentes
Santos,Rodrigo; Bastos,Jo?o; Santos,Luís F.; Almeida,Rui M.;
Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais , 2009,
Abstract: glass ceramics containing nanocrystalline phases that present non-linear optical properties, namely second harmonic generation (shg), have potential application in photonics, namely in all-optical and electro-optical systems. the goal of this work was the preparation and characterization of glass samples in the system geo2?sio2?nb2o5?k2o, as well as the production of transparent, nanocrystalline glass ceramics. the glass samples were prepared and characterized by density, dta and raman spectroscopy measurements. an increase in density and a decrease in tg and tx-tg were observed with increasing amount of geo2. heat treatments were performed and the crystalline phases k3.8nb5ge3o20.4 and k3nb3si2o13 were identified and related with the first exothermic peak of the dta analysis. a germanosilicate composition with 50 mol% of glass former showed good ability to undergo bulk crystallization. in fact, a transparent glass ceramic containing crystal sizes of ~20-25 nm, was obtained.
Vidros Ceramicos Nanocristalinos Transparentes
Rodrigo Santos,Jo?o Bastos,Luís F. Santos,Rui M. Almeida
Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais , 2009,
Abstract: Os vidros ceramicos que contêm no seu interior nanocristais com propriedades ópticas n o lineares, nomeadamente a gera o de segundos harmónicos (SHG), têm um enorme potencial de aplica o na área da fotónica, podendo integrar sistemas ópticos e optoelectrónicos. Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se preparar e caracterizar amostras vítreas no sistema GeO2 SiO2 Nb2O5 K2O e produzir vidros ceramicos transparentes nanocristalinos a partir daquelas, privilegiando a cristaliza o em volume. Prepararam-se amostras vítreas no sistema estudado, tendo-se verificado um aumento da densidade e uma diminui o da temperatura de transi o vítrea com o aumento do teor em GeO2. Tratamentos térmicos efectuados às amostras preparadas permitiram identificar as fases cristalinas K3.8Nb5Ge3O20.4 e K3Nb3Si2O13 como sendo as fases correspondentes aos primeiros picos de cristaliza o obtidos por DTA. Um germanosilicato com 50 mol% de formador de vidro revelou capacidade para promover cristaliza o em volume. De facto, obteve-se um vidro ceramico transparente com tamanho de cristais de ~20-25 nm. Glass ceramics containing nanocrystalline phases that present non-linear optical properties, namely second harmonic generation (SHG), have potential application in photonics, namely in all-optical and electro-optical systems. The goal of this work was the preparation and characterization of glass samples in the system GeO2 SiO2 Nb2O5 K2O, as well as the production of transparent, nanocrystalline glass ceramics. The glass samples were prepared and characterized by density, DTA and Raman spectroscopy measurements. An increase in density and a decrease in Tg and Tx-Tg were observed with increasing amount of GeO2. Heat treatments were performed and the crystalline phases K3.8Nb5Ge3O20.4 and K3Nb3Si2O13 were identified and related with the first exothermic peak of the DTA analysis. A germanosilicate composition with 50 mol% of glass former showed good ability to undergo bulk crystallization. In fact, a transparent glass ceramic containing crystal sizes of ~20-25 nm, was obtained.
Premature Termination of Treatment among Adults Attending Treatment for Eating Disorders: A Critical Review  [PDF]
Flávia Machado Seidinger-Leibovitz, Adams Rodrigues Malta, Larissa Rodrigues, Rodrigo Almeida Bastos, Pedro Augusto Thiene Leme, Daniela Ferreira Araújo Silva, Egberto Ribeiro Turato, Carla Maria Vieira
Open Journal of Medical Psychology (OJMP) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ojmp.2020.93010
Abstract: The article presents a critical review regarding the premature termination of eating disorder’s treatment among inpatients and outpatients, with the aim of identifying—emotional, psychodynamic and family-related aspects involved. The search strategy used the following MeSH terms combined by Boolean operators: “eating disorders” AND “treatment” OR “patient dropouts” OR “drop-out/dropouts” OR “attrition” OR “premature termination” AND “empirical study” OR “qualitative research”, for on Medline/PUBMED, PsycINFO and EMBASE databases. This article follows the PRISMA Guidelines. A total of 26 studies composed this review, of which 24 were original research articles, 1 was a review and 1 a theoretical article. Only two articles applied qualitative methods analyzing categories of content obtained by in-depth interviews, three combine quantitative and qualitative methods and other three present qualitative analyses while discussing quantitative studies. Further qualitative studies should be carried out to clarify meanings of dropout, premature termination of treatment, and attrition. Different expectations held by patients and by therapeutic teams, and the interpersonal difficulties of these types of patients, stand out as difficulties in constructing “therapeutic alliances”, with impacts on dropout, premature termination and attrition rates.
Avalia??o histológica dos testículos de ovinos da ra?a Santa Inês nascidos em diferentes esta??es do ano
McManus, Concepta;Sasaki, Luiz Claudio Bastos;Louvandini, Helder;Dias, Laila Talarico;Teixeira, Rodrigo de Almeida;Alves, Jordan Menezes;Lucci, Carolina Madeira;Marsiaj, Pablo Henrique Pereira;Murata, Luci Sayori;
Ciência Rural , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-84782010005000012
Abstract: four groups of santa inês male sheep born in four seasons in the distrito federal were analyzed to evaluate the age and body weight at puberty, at which point were castrated. histological measurements were carried out on the testicles to evaluate cellular parameters and size measurements of the seminiferous tubules. the effect of the group on cellular parameters was significant (p<0.01). animals born in the dry season were more precocious than the others, but showed the worst histological profile of the testis. the histological traits of the testis of the santa inês rams were influenced by the season. the end of the rainy season was shown to the best season for births of sheep in the central region of brazil, with histological testicular traits at puberty being superior to the other groups.
Avalia??o genética do crescimento de tilápia do Nilo em condi?oesn de baixa temperatura
Fortes-Silva,Rodrigo; de Almeida Torres,Roble; Ribeiro-Filho,Oswaldo Pinto; Lopes Schiavetti,Victor; Maia Pereira,Marcelo; Teixeira Bastos,Rafael; Yamaki,Marcos; Rocha Sarmento,José Lindenberg;
Zootecnia Tropical , 2010,
Abstract: genetic parameters to design or optimize breeding programs for these body weights are lacking. to evaluate the potential of mass selection for growth, genetic parameters are required. the goal of this study was estimate genetic parameters of growth characteristics in nile tilápia (oreochromis niloticus) in naturals conditions of low temperature. information on 800 full-sib provide by 20 families was used. fishes were weighed every 12 ± 2 days until end of experiment (150 days). proc mixed was used to evaluate the variance and covariance components and to obtain heritability and correlations. unicharacteristic model via reml, considering fixed effect the contemporary group (tank and sex) and genetic effect (animal) was used. measurements for weight at 60 days (w60), weight at 150 days (w150), length at 60 days (l60), length to 150 days (l150), daily weight gain (dwg), daily length gain (dlg), carcass (ec) and carcass efficiency (ce) were: 31,62g; 220,54g; 10,50cm; 90,60cm; 1,68g; 0,69cm; 83,89g; 0,87g respectively. high heritability and genetic correlation for body weight and eviscerated dressing values of nile tilapia obtained in this study, can be used in future studies of animal breeding, intending to increase the proportion characteristics related to body weight
How Brazilian dentists work within a new community care context? A qualitative study
Carlos Botazzo,Egberto Ribeiro Turato,Marcelo de Castro Meneghim,Pedro Augusto Thiene Leme,Rodrigo Almeida Bastos,Silvia Amélia Scudeler Vedovello
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216640
Do científico ao jornalístico: análise comparativa de discursos sobre saúde
Cunha, Rodrigo Bastos;
Interface - Comunica??o, Saúde, Educa??o , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1414-32832008000100015
Abstract: journalists, scientists and discourse analysts agree that there is a transformation from the specialized language of scientific discourse to non-specialized language during the process of disseminating science to the lay public. they consider this transformation to consist of recoding, reformulation, formulation of a new type of discourse or, in the specific case of scientific journalism, journalistic transformation of scientific discourse into text. with support from the french line of discourse analysis, the present study makes a comparative analysis using two examples of journalistic discourse involving public health questions, taken from the news section of the journal comciência, in relation to the respective scientific discourse that served as the source for composing the news.
Políticas de línguas e educa??o escolar indígena no Brasil
Cunha, Rodrigo Bastos;
Educar em Revista , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-40602008000200011
Abstract: in this article, after a brief conceptual revision on language planning and policy, models of language policies and an exemplary case of language policy in the world, i will approach actual issues about languages policies in brazil, such as the bilingual education in indigenous schools, the financing to research for documentation of languages in extinction, the revitalization of languages or their varieties and the governmental investment in specific didactic material for the indigenous education.

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